How to I add contractors to my list of contractors

The Yeehlow platform allows you to connect with all your contractors and send them work order requests regarding issues in properties you manage. You can communicate with your contractor and be notified when jobs orders are completed. All your contractors all in one place.

To do this:-

  1. Click on contractor tab in your dashboard.
  2. Click invite contractor
  3. Enter your contractors email address
  4. Click on your contractors profile

The contractor will then receive your request and approve it if they wish. Once approved you will see them appear in your list of contractors


My contractor is not on Yeehlow or cannot be found

If the email address does not find your contractor you can send them a request to join Yeehlow.  If your contractor has joined Yeehlow and you cannot see their profile make sure you are using their correct email address they used when creating a Yeehlow account.