Adding your property to your account will automatically connect you with your landlord and housemates.
How do I add my property to my account?
Log into your account
Click My Property
Search for your property using the postcode and/or address in the search box
Click on the property you would like to connect with
Send your request to connect with the property
Your request will be sent to the landlord of the property for approval.
You will receive a notification email once you are connected with your property.
My property cannot be found, what do I do?
If you are unable to locate your property when searching the Yeehlow system, this may be because your landlord is not a Yeehlow member and therefore your property is not yet registered to the site.
Your property FAQs list the most common questions and answers or useful information relating to your property. This list of up to 10 FAQs is set by your landlord and can be edited by them at any time.
Where do I find the FAQs for my property?
Log into your account
Click My Property
Click the yellow FAQs button on the right hand side
FAQs will pop up on your screen
When I click FAQs there are no questions and answers
If there are no FAQs listed for your property, this is because your landlord has not yet set them up. Please contact your landlord via internal messaging to request that your landlord adds relevant information.
Are you new to Yeehlow? Or just want to know more about how it works? Use our guide to familiarise yourself with setting up an account, editing your profile, connecting with your property, communicating with your landlord and housemates, submitting issues, sharing documents, and more!
# What is Yeehlow?
Yeehlow is an online communication platform for tenants and landlords.
The Yeehlow system provides clear communication trails via internal messaging and document sharing, as well as a simple system for reporting issues and a platform for review, to ensure service levels are maintained and maintenance issues are resolved effectively.
# How do I join Yeehlow as a tenant?
Go to Yeehlow (hyperlink)
Chose to register with your email or Facebook account
Confirm your email address
Upload your profile picture
Remember to check your email account for the email confirmation link. Please note, if you registered using Facebook you will not need to confirm your email.
# How do I edit my Profile?
Login to your account and click My Profile in your dashboard.
In this section you can edit your first and last name, contact number and profile picture.
Make sure you click the save button, so that any changes are saved.
How do I add/change my profile picture?
Login to your account and click My Profile in your dashboard
Click Add Profile Photo
Click the Update button
Select an image from your device
Crop your photo and click the Save button
Alternatively you can click and drag your photo;
Login to your account and click My Profile in your dashboard
Click on your profile picture icon and select Drop files here to upload
Click and drag an image from your device
Your image will automatically save
# How do I connect with my landlord and property?
Adding your property to your account will automatically connect you with your landlord and housemates.
Log into your account
Click My Property
Search for your property using the postcode and/or address in the search box
Click on the property you would like to connect with
Send your request to connect with the property
Your request will be sent to the landlord of the property for approval.
You will receive a notification email once you are connected with your property.
When reporting a property issue via Yeehlow, your landlord will receive an immediate email and/or text notification. Property issues can be categorised as an emergency if the issue is immediately urgent. Tenants also have the option to submit a private issue, which will not be shared with housemates.
Login to your account and go to Issues
Click Submit Issue
Complete the relevant details, describing the issue in detail
Add images or documents if applicable
Select whether your issue is an emergency
Select whether your issue is private
What is classified as an emergency issue?
An issue should be classed as an emergency if it is something which needs to be dealt with straight away. Usually this is an issue which makes your home unsafe or vulnerable to thieves, could cause permanent damage to the property, or causes a risk to your health and wellbeing. Examples of this include a burst pipe, or broken down boiler.
All other issues should be classified as non-emergency.
What is the difference between a private issue and a non-issue?
If you do not want your issue to be shared with your housemates, you should follow the instructions below to ensure that your issue is reported as a private issue and is therefore only shared with your landlord. If you do not report the issue as a private issue, it will be shared with all other parties connected to the property, i.e. your housemates and landlord.
To submit an issue that will only be shared between yourself and your landlord, follow the following instructions when submitting your issue.
Login to your account and go to Issues
Click Submit Issue
Complete the relevant details
Select Yes under Private Issue
Can I reopen an issue after it have been resolved?
If your landlord has marked an issue as complete however you believe that the issue has not yet been resolved, you can reopen the issue by following these instructions;
Click My Property in your dashboard
2. Scroll down to the Issues section
3. Click the Resolved Issues tab
4. Click the Details button next to the issue you wish to reopen
5. Click Reopen Issue. This will reopen the issue and send a notification to your landlord.
Why can’t I see the reopen link?
If the Reopen Issue option is not visible, this will be due to one of the following;
1. The issue has been resolved and you have already made a review.
2. The issue is still open.